2 Common errors of companies related to leaders and vision.


First, the old and romantic belief that Vision itself is the most powerful element to guide a team through great challenges. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).That’s just half of the truth. If the leaders, under the command of high administrators, are alone, leaders won`t have support from the company. There`s no bridge between the vision and the personnel. It might happen due to ethic boundaries or to self-centered company.  Leaders who are not backed up by a strong vision of future do not have a way to guide people through. Even if (s) he does have all the skills and abilities, and also is in the right position, this leader will, sooner or later, fail in the endeavor of guiding people. This leader might succeed for a while, but will fail.

Leaders guide people toward both corporative goals and personal benefits. Companies tend to fall into the trap of considering people mere tools, not partners. Then, there`s no leaders, only bosses and  typical labor agreements.

Second, once a company gets to a point when the vision of future is just amazing and very doable, if this company does not set a person to guide the personnel (a mature leader), this vision will be weak. Due to the fact that there won`t be resemblance between personal goals of the individuals involved and corporative targets.  As John Maxwell says “People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision”. We move to our goals and there no stronger motivational force then a goal to be achieved, since this goal is personal. Mature leaders find personal goals and combine them with company needs. They connect with people, not only inform them a company goal to be achieved.

So, neither a strong Vision nor capable leaders are going to work by themselves. It must be a combination of both: A clearly, honestly and ethically established vision combined with a mature leadership setting. It just points out what Warren Bennis said: Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

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